Monday, July 16, 2007

UU Humor - Rabbit Holes Redux

The First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, Canada humor link is broke so I add the link of a nearby Canadian Congregation as a replacement...

Victoria Unitarian of BC Canada

Another nearby link: Funny Church Store... in Texas [Funny Church Store Link] [please stop thinking about the pitcher of beer] When I first read this I thought he had said a new england accent; I now see he meant an asian accent. To my ear it works either way.

We pray that the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, Canada repair their link.

Original SCUU Humor Link

Sunday, July 15, 2007

We Are All Dry Now: No Not Drought, We Refer to Alcohol... Part II

So for everyone following along here's the ironic recap:

Before we moved we could not light candles; we had to move chairs; and we could drink on the premises.

After we moved we can light candles; we do not have to move chairs; and, we cannot drink on the premises.

It is clear that Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao Do Vegetal does not apply to our situation... Correct?

Moderation in all things.

Take care, be safe & be well.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Eight Spiritual Practices to Save the World...

Words of Rev. Mary Wellemeyer, May 2007

The practices:

1. Slow down. A busy life often is a distracted life. Take time to breathe.
2. Allow what is. Slowing down will let you notice things in a different way. Just notice, as much as you can, without trying to fix things.
3. Notice compassionately. Whatever is happening, allow your natural compassion to arise, not just for victims, but for all who are involved.
4. Gather. Gather for conversation about life, the universe, and everything. Share dreams.
5. Discover Your Path. From the sharing of dreams, you'll find a path that calls to you.
6. Follow Your Path. Within a network of support, begin to claim the work you know is yours.

7. Reflect. Take time to take stock of what you are doing, to redirect your efforts, refine your goals.
8. Rejoice. Know that small steps and large steps taken by many will save the world. Even where there are disappointment, rage, and sorrow, allow space for gratitude, joy, and wonder.

Slowing down:

1. Do one thing at a time.
2. Pause between things.
3. Make time for a walk or a run every day.
4. Limit media.

5. Sit there -- see if a meditation practice is right for you.
6. Sleep enough to wake up naturally.
7. Consider keeping a journal.
8. Take a day off from time to time.

WOW Very Cool!

The Yurt has AC now.

We Are All Dry Now: No Not Drought, We Refer to Alcohol...

The board writes: "We recently learned that our current insurance policy does not cover alcohol-related liability, and we are in the process of researching policies that would provide us with such coverage. In the meantime, no alcohol may be served on the premises of SCUU."

A story in the Post that shows how valuable wine can be: The Spiritual Life Changing Power Of Wine Link!!

Praise Life No One Was Hurt...

take care, be well & do great things...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

WOW Shocking Secrets of the New Member Ceremony Revealed!! Part II

Here are some more words that we'll probably use some other time; or I say we reserve the right to use some other time...

New Members Words of Welcome
Adapted from words by Rev. Victoria Weinstein

This community of Sugarloaf is a warm and welcoming one. We are grateful today for each one of you, that you have found your way here, and that you have decided to make a commitment to this faith community. We hope that as member of this congregation you will allow yourselves to know and to be known, to minister to and to be ministered unto, to love and to be loved, by this congregation.

We never really know what combination of fate and friendship and good luck it is that brings certain people together in this world for any purpose. But we believe that membership in the congregation calls each of us here to celebrate the fate that has drawn us together, and to regard each one a spiritual friend and a potential teacher, even of occasional hard lessons.

The relationships we form in our congregation are based on needs of the soul -- needs that render each of us vulnerable, and therefore reliant on each other's grace and goodness, and generosity of spirit. As members of this congregation we pledge to be guardians of each other's spirits, to respect the ultimate privacy of each one's human struggle, and to believe in each one's inherent dignity.

Some of our adaptations for the above words by Rev. Victoria Weinstein: add "Sugarloaf" and substitute the word "congregation" for "church". The word "church" carries some baggage for some of us.

WOW Shocking Secrets of the New Member Ceremony Revealed!!

In the spirit of transparency here are some details about the new member ceremony.

Originally we did not have a ceremony until Anneke Senger requested one when she signed the book. She says it took her a number of years to get enough courage to join a group such as ours and she thought it was important to commemorate the event.. After the shock of even contemplating establishing a tradition or ritual, Gus & Rev. Amy and I wrote the words.
We incorporated some words from our mission statement, which was collaboratively written many moons ago. The words are like an old recipe handed down over time from person to person; and, the words may change however the intent remains the same.
We call you up during service and ask you to introduce yourself to the congregation in the form of an affirmation on why you want to sign the book.

Then we say the words that we wrote:

Please join us in welcoming:



Congregation, what do you offer these new members?


We offer you a spiritual community that welcomes questions, explores answers, and shares the lessons of life. We offer you a place among us as we strive to create a community of love and trust. We welcome your unique gifts and talents which will color and enrich the tapestry of our congregation. We welcome you with all our hearts.

We welcome you and hope that in becoming a part of our community you will remind us that each of us bring unique gifts to share, as you do. As you join with us, you change us, as we change you. Sugarloaf transforms and evolves, forever changing, as we are enriched by our growing community.

Then you sign the book and the congregation cheers!!

It's a simple ceremony our goal is to make you feel welcome and not to overwhelm you by requiring you to run through fire, wear a robe or gown or hat, get wet, carry baggage, or memorize words.
Please note: One discussion [debate] was whether to use the word "tapestry vs.. quilt"... I definitely am as much a freedom-ista as I am a WOW-ist; therefore, I view us more as a quilt than a tapestry. Each of us has our own section of the pattern and of the artwork.

We're UU; we reserve the right to change!!

How do I become a member?

Simple and succinct answer: show up and participate and you will find yourself on the path to becoming a new member.

Complex and detailed answer:

Show up, participate, read, study, meditate, stay informed, make friends, find your voice, share, help out, vote, seek, and sign the book.

Hopefully these links will help.

100 questions that non-members ask link

Becoming a new member pamphlet link

we need your brains, hearts & efforts link

The newsletter, the email digest, the web site, the announcements in the Order of Service, and the WOW Blog will let you know what is happening at Sugarloaf.

When you sign the visitor log at service or let us know your email address we'll send you an email digest every week with useful information. We also send out a newsletter for people without email. If we have your address we'll send you a newsletter if you ask for one or if you don't have email. To conserve paper we don't send paper newsletters to everyone who has an email address.

Sugarloaf [SCUU] Digest Link

Sugarloaf [SCUU] Newsletter Link

When in doubt Google "SCUU WOW" or "Sugarloaf WOW"...

After you visit a couple of times we'll make a nametag for you too if you like.

The actual act of becoming a member is the simple act of signing the membership book.

Usually after you participate for a few weeks or attend a WOW dinner, and when you think your ready, we like to invite, suggest, encourage, and nudge you to sign the membership book during our next scheduled new member ceremony...

Shocking Secrets of New Member Ceremony Revealed!! Link

July WOW Will Be On July 14th

At Orientation we listen to you, we tell you about UU in general and Sugarloaf in particular, and we share stories of our spiritual journeys.

An Evite will go out soon so we can get an idea of how many people will attend.

After you attend a WOW, we encourage you to join a Sugarloaf Circle.

Remember: Multiple Mentors & Friends Found at Sugarloaf WOW's & Circles!

How do I become a member? Link