Monday, January 23, 2006

Peace is Patriotic; Justice is Patriotic; Julian Bond, a patriot

Julian Bond, a patriot, was given the National Civil Rights Award by HRC in October of 2005.

Here's some links that may lead to Julian Bond's HRC speech -- over time the web pages have moved around:

Here's a link to a few good excerpts from the Award Ceremony and HRC 25th Anniversary celebration: [Article About the Award Link] ... Ok that link is broken ... However here's a link that works Julian Bond is an American for Marriage Equality -- although it's not specific to the speech.

Here's a link to a related interview -- "Our Fight Is Your Fight": [An Archive Interview Link] [Book Link]

Here's a link to Julian Bond's speech. The last time I checked it was broke; the web of life forever changes. Could be worse, at least you land on the HRC website: [Speech Link]

OK found the the speech on Youtube ...

I like Julian Bond's statement

"One lesson of the civil rights movement of yesterday – and the on-going civil rights movement of today – is that sometimes the simplest of ordinary acts – taking a seat on a bus or a lunch counter, registering to vote, applying for a marriage license – can have extraordinary ramifications. It can change our world, change the way we act and think."

parallels and amplifies Margaret Mead's quote:

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."

Julian Bond inspires Unitarian Universalists (UU) everywhere.


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