Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sacred Text! Robert's Rules of Order Point of Information!

Whoever said "Never analyze enthusiasm" never read Robert's Rules of Order.

Based on the link cited before under Guidelines in Robert's Rules of Order Summary Version...

The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!

So we agree on the agenda with a majority vote. Once the agenda is set, it's up to the Chair to make the call as to whether a motion adheres to the agenda via the Call for the Orders of the Day. Listed in the Cheat Sheet.

A Suspend the Rules motion is either to modify the already agreed to agenda or overrule the decision of the chair as to what is in and what is out... This is cited in the Summary Version. Once the agenda (Orders of the Day) is set then a change to the order of the day requires a 2/3 majority via a Suspend the Rules motion. The 2/3 majority is not addressed on the Cheat Sheet but is discussed in wikipedia

The person who makes the motion has the ability to change or withdraw their motion even if there was a second but this can only happen up to the point when the Chair states the motion and opens the debate. Once that happens the person who made the motion can not change it unilaterally. Using a football analogy when the question is stated that's the whistle for the opening kickoff. Once the debate gets going you can't call it off -- you have to vote on something to end it. The motion belongs to the assembly. The ball is in play.

See Guidelines again:

Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.

Please see "Making and Handling Motions According to Robert's Rules" on the Roberts Rules for Dummies Cheat Sheet...

The main rules on motions is that there is a hierarchy and they can become nested shown on the Cheat Sheet and per the Guidelines:

The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment - Motion to Postpone
The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!

It's Just That Easy!!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

Hope this helps.


Blogger Arlin said...

Here is the Robert's Rules tip sheet that we used on Sunday, Dec 4:


8:55 PM  
Anonymous Adam Styles said...

To view documents from SCUU.ORG you'll need to log into and you'll find it in the members only area.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Adam Styles said...

If you don't have a SCUU.ORG user id you can request one when you go to

10:16 AM  

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