Did It Tidbit #7
“Do you believe it is possible to connect with a sense of holiness?” asked Rev. Megan in the December theme packet.
What did I do this past weekend? I participated in my “ole stomping ground” of the annual JPD District Assembly, wearing with proud delight my nametag with Sugarloaf as my ID. It was soooo rewarding to have all the conversations Sugarloaf needed for getting our “ducks in a row” for our September Presidents’ Roundtable, conversations that included Mark, our experimental Roundtable facilitator (when I learned he, also, talked about it with Megan last week), Joan, the head of CERG (our Central East Region Group), the Chalice Lighters Grant leadership (in case we decide to get a grant in 2015.) My Dream is a long term one, remember, to share our property’s peacefulness with a continual stream of face-to-face thinktank usage by UU churchwork groups. Also, at the Assembly, I joined the 25 or so board presidents’ roundtable as “a fly on the wall” (where I distributed our September Save the Date fliers.) You’ll find the leftover copies (that I botched up) for the taking from the Great Room’s bay window shelf.
Oh, what sunshine shines in to light up my spirit when I’m engaged in such exchange! It’s so good when voices can have full expression between people filled with respect. As a humanist, such connection is holy. With all the energy focused on UU growth, the gathering was a spiritually precious experience for me.
Helen Pop
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