She tested a coronavirus vaccine a month ago. Here's what the last 4 weeks have been like.
She tested a coronavirus vaccine a month ago. Here's what the last 4 weeks have been like.
Excerpt from MSN Lifestyle Article:
The first person to receive the Moderna coronavirus vaccine was Jennifer Haller of Seattle ...
“I don’t have specific stories, but I am thinking a lot about undocumented workers right now. My birthday was just last week and for the past couple of years I’ve done a fundraiser on Facebook. This year I picked a non-profit to support undocumented workers. That’s a group that has completely fallen through the cracks and received zero help from the federal government, certainly.
“They have the hardest jobs in our country, I believe, and critical jobs. And so that was something that was important to me to support and to recognize.
“I don’t know how to say it, but I know my family and my neighbors are going to look back on this time and be like, ‘Wow, wasn’t that magical? We got to slow down. We got to spend some quality time with our family. We got to connect.’ And I’m really kind of embarrassed by that, because half of our country, even prior to this crisis, was living paycheck to paycheck.
“So I hope, when I’m doing interviews, when people are hearing my story, what I really hope is that it inspires them to think beyond themselves. It’s natural, when we’re in crisis, to go inward to protect ourselves and to protect our family. But I really hope that this can inspire people to step outside of that and to think bigger. And I hope, certainly more broadly, that this is a wake-up call for our country to recognize the inequality that has always been there and to take some important steps to meet everybody’s basic human needs: universal healthcare, paid sick time, a livable minimum wage, I could go on…”
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