Saturday, January 19, 2008

Simplify Your Life Part IV: Downsizing Dad

I helped my dad move out of the house my family lived in after I moved away to college into an apartment. During our moves, I was known to say "it's toast" when asked if we should keep something. I became the judge and jury for deciding whether to carry stuff over the state line. Dad had veto power but the laws of physics usually prevailed. The law of physics rhetorical question: "Where are you going to put it?"

When the movers showed up they said "oh no, no, we can't take anything from the house because we don't chose what to move. We move everything we see. We move all. You have to have everything we are not to move out of the house." I showed up the next day for "clean up" -- silly me -- and discovered the move had not taken place. I was under the false hope that all the toast was gone. Dad had already filled one tractor trailer dumpster with stuff and had it hauled it away. But clearly there was more.

Revelation #1: Forget about renting a truck. The movers will return Monday. There's too much. There's little time, must hire hauler. Must sort and make piles: pitch, give, keep, store, and take.

Revelation #2: We can throw stuff that rises to the level of "toast" out the second story window onto the driveway! We made a huge pile.

Revelation #3: After hauling two piles of stuff away we still had stuff to throw into storage; and we had a piano we needed to get rid of...

Revelation #4: We will give the piano my mom bought to someone who wants it. Family legend -- Mom bought it for $5.00 at a yard sale.

To give is to recycle: Green Toast...


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