Friday, February 15, 2008

Report from the Congregational Meeting!!

On February 10, a congregational meeting was held to debate and approve three action items; the results were as follows:

1) Growth Plan: the primary elements of the growth plan were to create a volunteer coordinator' position to help people find their place in the congregation, to be consciously welcoming and hospitable and to move to 2 Sunday services at some point in the future. There was unanimous approval of the plan, signifying the congregation's commitment to implement it.

2) Application for a 'First Home' grant from the UUA: There was unanimous approval to apply to the UUA for a 'First Home' grant of $25,000.

3) Transition to two services on Sunday in the spring: the majority of your elected Board of Trustees, the consulting interim minister, the treasurer and the RE coordinator are in agreement that this action should be taken not just for growth, but for our continued survival. There were also many in the congregation who argued that we didn't need to do this at this time. A straw poll was taken after an hour of debate and the vote was 17 in favor of the move and 14 against. Although the majority was in favor of the move, there was a significant minority who were not, and the decision was made by the chair to not go forward with the plan at this time. This outcome leaves unanswered the question of the appropriate timing for this transition, and additional work will be required by the congregation to resolve this question.

The meeting was adjourned. As chair, I would like to stress that although we are not going forward with the 2 services option at this time, other efforts can and should be made to improve the welcoming atmosphere in the yurt. I urge all members and friends to sit close to the front of the yurt, leaving free chairs in the back for visitors to use. More seating will be available if, when children come in, they sit on the carpet in the front of the room or on parental laps. Other helpful ideas are welcomed.

Jean Carr, Chair of the Board of Trustees

A new SCUU volunteer job - image 1...


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