Friday, September 21, 2012

Do you want to help forge the path to the future for SCUU's youth?

Do you want to help forge the path to the future for SCUU's youth?

The RE Committee is currently recruiting for new members. We meet once a month to delve into the activities listed in the Volunteer Spotlight. With an increase in members, we could resume some programs that we have set aside recently, such as Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Guest at Your Table and the ever popular Unplug the Holidays program - including crafty ideas for kids to make holiday gifts, Magic Gift Shop (a toy exchange opportunity) and decoration of the yurt and Sugarloaf house.

RE Volunteers, including the RE Committee, find themselves spiritually enriched by the children we serve. This was heard recently during Joys and Concerns in one of our classrooms: "I have a joy, that my parents found this church, so I could come and have fun in RE!"


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