Sunday, May 17, 2015

SCUU Covenant - 5/17/15

Covenant of Good Relations [1]
Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists

To provide principles and practices (guidance) of how we wish to treat one another.

We, the Sugarloaf Congregation, in the spirit of community, covenant to create a joyful community founded in love and caring, accepting of who we are while supporting each other’s growth, and in which each member feels as secure and as free as possible to be engaged, honest and vulnerable.

To this end we each are responsible for:

Respecting and appreciating each other’s
            Inherent worth and dignity
            Beliefs, opinions and viewpoints
            Abilities, limits and needs
            Time, privacy and feelings

Acting in ways to promote
            Joy, hope and healing
            Integrity and trust; ensuring respectful resolutions to disputes or complaints
            Honest and productive communications in a kind and sharing environment
            Appreciation of all efforts – big or small
            Opportunities for growth
Moral character

Honoring and valuing
            The congregation and its children
            UU principles and practices
The SCUU Mission Statement
            Differing opinions, ideas and their open examination
            Our diversity and commitments
            The serious and the humorous (fun and CHOCOLATE)

Guidance – Through

Practicing conscious gentleness in all physical and verbal interactions, speak to inform not to manipulate

Honoring our time together by being present for the start of meetings, using careful listening techniques and the democratic process as we strive for consensus

Honoring our time apart by ending meetings on time, and when giving and fulfilling requests for information or action

Communicating our feelings with “I” statements

Respecting others by challenging ideas and not people

Respecting Each other’s confidentialities, emotional and physical boundaries, and freedom to choose steps in their personal or spiritual journey

Settling differences directly with the person involved, while staying in relationship, assuming good intentions and keeping an open heart

Working Together to keep our children safe

Following this covenant in times of turmoil and tranquility

Stretching our boundaries of forgiveness

Celebrating and sharing our life experiences

Supporting one another in times of need

Welcoming all, especially visitors and guests

[1] SCUU Covenant version of May 19, 2005, formally adopted May 31, 2009, by a motion of the Congregation, to wit:  “Resolved, that the Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists accepts the Covenant of Good Relations of May 19, 2005 as the source of principles and practices guiding interpersonal relations, to be reaffirmed or revised at next year’s annual Congregational Meeting.”  Covenant of Good Relations revised and affirmed at May 19, 2013 Congregational Meeting.  Covenant of Good Relations revised and affirmed at May 18, 2014 Congregational Meeting.


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