Saturday, April 29, 2006

bikkur holim for John Laughlin

Rev. Amy writes - "While John is still in ICU, they are telling us that he can have visitors outside of the family now. He is scheduled to be moved out of ICU on Monday [5/1/06].

I would recommend keeping visits short."

Earlier Rev Amy wrote - "John Laughlin was involved in a serious car accident on Monday [4/24/06] and was transported by helicopter to Suburban Hospital. He has suffered multiple rib fractures, a collapsed lung, and severe bruising. He is still in ICU but is doing much better. I spoke to him this morning and he's feeling much better."

Please check the SCUU digest news or contact Rev. Amy for John's hospital information.

Our thoughts and prayers are with John and his family.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We Will Miss Tommie Scott Gottlieb

At the Pledge dinner Tommie wore a sparkling sweater; Cindy wore a sparkling sweater too. Cindy said, “We’re the sparkling girls!” and shared a laugh with Tommie. Rachel remembers Tommie as her Mystery Pal. It's amazing how important and powerful the Mystery Pal tradition is at SCUU. The simple act of sharing time to move chairs after service and the simple act of sharing our love for the bright light of spring are our last cherished memories; it’s hard to believe she’s gone.

Rev Amy writes: "The memorial service for Tommie Scott Gottlieb will be held today at 2:00 pm at River Road Unitarian Church.

The family has asked in lieu of flowers that contributions be made to a memorial fund in her name. Checks can be made out to SCUU and given at the reception with a notation of Tommie Scott Gottlieb Memorial Fund. They could also be placed in the offering basket next Sunday.

We will miss Tommie's warm smile and friendly presence."

Hugh writes: "Tommie was in our circle. It was great having her here and the memories are fond."

May WOW at Sara and Bob Hull's House

Spring has Sprung and there's no better place right now to see the springing of spring than on May 13th at Bob and Sara's place. Orientation will start at 5:30pm and the Dinner will commence at 6:30pm.

Sara's Directions

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

One Nation Invisible with Liberty and Justice for Some? Part II (Join Youth Pride Day!)

The recurring theme of invisibility permeates gay civil rights too.

History repeats and intersects.

A discussion with Debbie Morris regarding gay civil rights:

Debbie -- "Join Youth Pride Day 2006! Saturday, April 22, 2006; 12pm to 5:30pm; Rock Creek Park; (Corner of P & 23rd NW); Washington, DC [link to Youth Pride Announcement]

It amazes me in the 21st century that there are still people who are reduced to begging for Civil rights granted to every American Citizen by the Constitution of the United States. Either we are equally treated by the law or we are not; there is no compromise, no need for accommodation, and no need for assimilation. There is no Constitutional provision for bigotry. There is no "slippery slope". There is no reason to fear."

Adam -- "I agree. I am amazed. However there is the "ya, but". It is a fact that each person chooses to "come out" or not to "come out" in this "don't ask don't tell" world we live in. I know people young and old who fear the loss of contact with their family, the loss of their job, and the loss of their other rights, and bodily harm, if they openly come out. To feel that you are forced to deny who you are is amazing. Each individual must choose. Each person exercises their right to privacy. Fear definitely is a variable in the individual come out decision equation."

Debbie -- "We can choose life and living or we can choose our own prison with its stifling air. BUT, that does not alter the fact that there is NO REASON to fear. Whether one fears or not, whether there are consequences or not, fear will always keep our heads down on the ground even if there's no one standing on our necks."

Adam -- "Yes I totally agree. To paraphrase an old civil rights slogan: "Say it loud! I'm gay and I'm proud!" Hard to convince some that only fear stands on their neck; and that fear should not be feared."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One Nation Invisible with Liberty and Justice for Some?

As a child you might have botched the pledge of allegiance by saying "one nation invisible" instead of "one nation indivisible". I know I did. I did not realize at the time, there was a pun; later, I read the book "Invisible Man" and became aware.

The pun remains.

When thousands marched for immigrants rights they said: 'We Decided Not to Be Invisible Anymore' [link to Washington Post article]

There's that word again - Invisible. [link to Ralph Ellison article]

Our UU Principles: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; and,
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; require visibility for all.

Maybe that's the first requirement of any Civil Rights struggle: recognizing that you must be visible or recognizing that others are invisible. Rosa Parks [link to Rosa Parks site] decided to get visible.

Survey says [link to Polling Report site] 74% favor allowing illegal immigrants who have done the following to stay and work in the United States: paid a fine, been in the U.S. for at least five years, paid any back taxes they owe, can speak English, and have no criminal record."

Another poll, listed in the Washington Post 4/11/06 Page A12, says, 63% of Americans support "Let Immigrants who have lived here a certain number of years apply for legal status and eventually become permanent citizens if they meet specific conditions, like pay a fine and back taxes".

Monday, April 10, 2006

Web of Life 101: Notes on Blog Web Links

Web links appear in a different text color. When you pass the cursor over the linked text within the Blog the text will change to underlined text, and for some readers the cursor will change into a hand pointing. Provided you have the web browser status bar feature turned on, you can see the URL related to the web link in the status bar section of your web browser. The full URL is usually not displayed within the Blog text.

When you click on the link you will navigate to the linked web page.

WOW Moment: If I Am Illegal So are My Taxes!

WOW -- 11 million undocumented workers. 500,000 march in Dallas, TX, shouting ''Si Se Puede!'' - Spanish for ''Yes, we can!'' [link to AOL News article]

Legal immigrants who have not registered to vote now register to vote.

How can the US throw out 11 million undocumented workers? [link to Washington Post article]

''Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to be free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.''[link to Emma Lazarus reference]

How does all the debate line up with what is written on the Statue of Liberty. Does the statue come down?

''...Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.'' [link to poem]

Does it matter which direction she is facing?

1930s Mexican Deportation: Profound and relevant historical fact not mentioned in any US history book. Shine a light on it. [link to Fullerton College article]
and link to Christine Valenciana article

Does she wear a wrist watch?

Who gets hired? [link to USA Today article]

Who gets fired?[link to Washington Post article]

Old American Custom; Vote with your feet. [link to Chicago Times article]

Please note: Amazing the connection of Emerson to Emma Lazarus. [link to Emma Lazarus reference]

Saturday, April 08, 2006

May our light illuminate all

I have a voice
I have a heart
I have a mind
I have a vote

I listen
I learn
I teach
I lead
I follow
I act
I help
I love

May my light shine forever
May my light illuminate all

We have a voice
we have a heart
we have a mind
we have a vote

we listen
we learn
we teach
we lead
we follow
we act
we help
we love

May our light shine forever
May our light illuminate all

Affirmation 42: A note to dear daughter before she escapes to college

i see things others don't
i go where others won't
i do what can't be done
i teach while others are mum.

How far can one go? How high can one jump?

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. Eliot

After the property is complete and the dust has settled and all the cats have settled down, and after or during the ending becoming a beginning, we'll need to think -- even more than we've already thunk.

Although most of us by now have a Ph.D in chair arranging there were some good thoughts on what we do after we finish the coop and find out it's too small because more people will join us.

On one hand the membership committee will be jumping around ecstatic for joy, especially Joann with her new hip -- and depending on when everything get's done; her new knee.

On the other hand there will be those who will say we must have two services and what about the logistics.

Some thoughts are presented in an article in Interconnections: There is the image of everyone getting stuffed into the Yurt like commuters stuffed into a Tokyo commuter train car...

Please Note: The Tokyo commuter train option was not one of the ideas suggested in the article.

A new SCUU volunteer job - image 1...

The second service attendees wait patiently - image 2...

I also have the image of all of us sitting in one of the various natural amphitheatre out side on a glorious day; or of all the children young and old outside playing to counter balance the commute to Tokyo.

The Yurt will hold 100 people.

Spontaneous WOW at Joann O'brien's Hospital Room

Any WOWist will tell you that the WOW is never canceled -- the WOW is merely postponed!!

Or the WOW occurs spontaneously in other places in the environs of SCUU.

One WOW site was Joann O'brien's room at the hospital. Various SCUU WOWist visted Joann throughout the day and she was doing great. She especially loved the bouquet of flowers dropped off by Sara Hull from the SCUU Kids of RE. The boys made black and blue tissue flowers and the girls made pink and white tissue flowers -- a conversation ensued regarding the meaning of the flower color selection by gender. The usual issues were rounded up and discussed.

On behalf of the chocolate Committee Joann is happy to report that the chocolate Cake at the hospital is outstanding.

Paul as a fellow WOWist and as one of the few members of the Insurance committee is happy to concur that Joann is doing well. His wife Lou Ann also had a wonderful WOW time visiting Joann.

Special thanks to Rev. Amy for arranging Joann's transportation.

There was a study that said prayer does not help when done for the sick - specifically strangers from a distance praying for heart patients. Joann and fellow WOWist decided that prayer when presented in the form of worry and stress does not help. However any WOWist will tell you good thoughts and the positive power of love always helps.

As in the ancient Jewish tradition of bikkur holim (visiting the sick), although technically Joann is not sick she's recuperating, the WOW spirit thrives.

Please contact Rev. Amy or check the Digest for Joann's contact information.

Sugarloaf Tour may happen during the May WOW.

WOWist spoke to Hugh and the news on scheduling a tour is: "In general, a nice idea. However, it continues to be a construction site, and the house has one major hazard: there is no stairway, but rather an empty stairwell from the first floor to the lower level, and it's a 10-foot drop. I think before it's opened to the "public" in any way we have that completed. It will probably be another several weeks minimum before we can finish the steps. Perhaps you should plan tentatively for the May Wow."

There is a loophole: Anyone who wants a tour could volunteer to work!! There may be some painting left to do. Please contact Tom Walker or Hugh Stamper.

A WOW Postponed

Max has the Flu: diagnosed today. The Styles medical team declares self imposed quarantine. The infectious WOW spirit should not be confused with an infection of the Flu!! It is starve a fever feed the flu right? Feed the flu in a quarantined environment.

Thus, the WOW at Adam and Cindy's house has been postponed. A digest announcement will be sent out soon. Discussions with Jenny Vidas have started a search for a new WOW site but given the timeframe it appears we will postpone rather than attempt a WOW today.

More news as things develop.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

From "Precarious Cargo" by Dorothy Parsons East

The returning birds
blossoming tree --
Spring is enough
resurrection for me.

Best Wishes and Best Regards and Much Love to Joann O'Brien

Joann O'Brien had a total hip replacement yesterday morning. The operation went very well. She had a lot of pain that was finally under control late last night.

Starting on Wednesday, she would welcome visitors.

At last month's membership committee meeting, Joann explained that the ultimate goal of her surgery is to allow her to walk without pain. Following her recovery, she expects to have more surgery later this year.