Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Jolene Houser writes: "Hi all. This may be a good project for the family to do together, since the kids can help sort and shelve the food. Please reply to me via ... email if you can help out on Saturday even if it is just for an hour. Thanks!"

Jolene forwarded this information from Cindy Majane of Germantown HELP!

Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 09:05:10 -0400

The Letter Carriers food drive, called Stamp Out Hunger, takes place this Saturday. We desperately need volunteer drivers to pick up food from the loading dock behind the post office (access on the left side of the building, has a separate drive) and bring it to the pantry. We also need kids/adults to sort the food, check the dates and shelve it.

We will begin to meet at the post office loading dock at 2:30pm and hope to conclude sorting at the pantry by 6:30.

Student service learning hours can be given for this activity.

If you are able to help, even if it's just for an hour or two, please come! The more people we have, the faster and better it goes.

Please email me if you can help.


Cindy Majane
Germantown HELP

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

John Laughlin says "You can stop praying for me I'm fine now."

“you can stop praying I’m fine now; save your prayer for all the new things that come down the pike; I’m not in critical care now. It was a warning shot; I’ll pay more attention to all the nuances and little things in life”

After John miraculously survives calamitous application of the laws of physics, he freaked out the nurses by jumping up and down on one foot before they let him out of the hospital. "I have great balance." The paramedics came by to visit and they were amazed he survived and they were amazed he was lucid.

Based on the above I'd say his Karma [link to wikipedia] is good.

The intersection lights need to be adjusted to add a delay between transitions. Plus people should slow down when entering intersections. Furthermore sight lines should be clear and unobstructed at busy intersections. Some police say the intersection is a "death trap". John was making a right turn into the right lane of the intersection and was hit by a truck traveling at high speed. John's car was hit on the driver side -- T-boned. His injuries confirm the force produced by the laws of physics and his miraculous survival defy the laws of physics.

Laws of physic demonstration: traffic light system tool [link to Department of Physics & Astronomy - University of Hawaii at Monoa]