Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Year WOW

The WOW is definitely the 2nd Saturday of January, 1/13/2007, at the Hull's house.

5:30pm is Orientation & 6:30pm is the Dinner.

Sara's Directions

When in doubt bring chocolate.

Happy New You!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's Time to Reset our Circles.

If you want to be a Circle Host please let me know. You can email me or see me after service.

Sharing a meal each month with fellow Sugarloafians is a beautiful thing to do. It changes your life and makes you laugh more. You'll make good friends. At Sugarloaf (SCUU) we form into Circle Groups -- we call them Circles. Most Circles meet for dinner. Hence the term Circle Dinner.

A Circle is usually about 4 to 5 families. Some Circles have kids and adults; some Circles have only adults. This year there will be a Brunch Circle.

Each Circle has a host. The host acts as the coordinator. You don't have to have the Circle at the same house each time. Some Circles move around from house to house.

We reset the Circles every 6 months or year. It's now time to reform our Circles.

The first step is to get a number of people to sign up as Circle hosts.

Then we allow everyone to sign up for a Circle. Last year we had about 7 circles with 4 to 5 households per Circle.

If you want to be a Circle Host please let me know.

Know the WOW

A WOW moment comes at various times in our lives. The WOW moment can be an affirmation of our spiritual path that we knew all along but did not consciously recognize. Or the WOW moment can be the sudden realization that we need to change the path that we're on.

"No they are not going to Hell!!"; "Heaven and beauty are here all around me!!"; "Gay is good!!"; "there are many sources of spiritual knowledge!!"; "ministers can be female"; "I want to have a voice and say what I consider profoundly important"; "everyone should have the right to vote"; "what's wrong with peace, love, and understanding?": "I want to truly learn about many religons" are a few manifestations of the WOW moment.

Sometimes the WOW comes from merely reading one of the 7 UU principles. For me reading "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning" elicited a WOW moment.

We feel joy when we realize that we are free and responsible. There is no dogma here. "I Lost My Dog Ma!!"

Each voice is valued here. Everyone's presence is valued here. Learning and change and openness are valued here.

Freedom to seek and define and determine our spiritual path carries with it the weight of responsibility. We feel concern when we realize that we are free and responsible. Living according to our principles can be hard work.

“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear” Florence Nightingale

To balance the joy and concern, we share our experiences and efforts and life's lessons with each other. Sharing becomes a central part of our spiritual journey.

Show me a prophet and I'll show you a storyteller. Each of us has our stories, mysteries, and magic and each of us are profound.

The willingness to share and endure makes us family. A dynamic, exciting, joyful, active, and helpful family.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

December WOW At Chris Mauck and David Klein’s house!

Rev. Amy writes: "Hello dear New Visitors and New Members to Sugarloaf-

We would like to invite you to a Welcoming Orientation Welcoming (WOW!) dinner on Saturday, December 9th. We invite you to come at 5:30 for an orientation and question and answer session with myself and other members. At 6:30, many members will join us for a dinner.

Hope to see you all there, or at church!"

Evites (email invitations) will be sent to the visitors who left their email address for the next Event. Please be sure to RSVP via the Evite.

The Evite will give directions to our gracious and kind WOW hosts. However you can find directions in this Blog too.

Watch for updates in JP Vidas’s Digest.

Google Map with WOW Address