Friday, November 30, 2007

Here's another UU in the News Article: Hey Wait I Have A New Complaint!! or If I had a Hammer!!

When I first saw this not one but rather two songs went through my head; two songs come to mind...

UU World writes: "If I Had a Hammer: UU Mona Shaw made headlines after she expressed her displeasure with the quality of Comcast's customer service by visiting her wrath upon the local Comcast office's equipment with a hammer. Though not endorsing her actions, Washington Post staff writer Neely Tucker calls Shaw an "avenger of oppressed cable subscribers everywhere."

UU World Link:

The Post Link:

WOW: Blessed are the Moonbats

I saw this article in the Post a while back. I lost the article and then I found it on the UU World New archives.

Per our by-laws Surgarloaf (SCUU) is not a political organization. Sugarloaf (SCUU) is a religious organization dedicated to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. When representing Sugarloaf, we can speak about specific issues. However, when acting on behalf of Sugarloaf, we can not favor one political party over another. [For link to article see Step 3 below]

Sometimes it's difficult to see how a political organization can ever be dedicated to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

As members of SCUU we covenant to affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We also covenant to affirm and promote the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all...

UU World writes: "Virginia Republican Rep. Tom Davis received a less-than-warm welcome when he attended a meeting of Americans Against Escalation in Iraq at the Accotink UU Church in Burke, Va. (The Washington Post - 8.24.07)"

For those interested in the logic of the seeker, my search went like this...

Step 1 - the google search:,GGLG:2006-23,GGLG:en&q=tom+davis+burke+unitarian+post

Step 2 - the specific UU World News archive link:

Step 3 - the article in the post that I lost and found:

We love. We love peace.

Ich bin ein Moonbat...

WOW UU News from UU World

I was looking for a couple of articles that I had saved in the newspaper pile at my house. I have a pile in chronological order that go back about a week. At the bottom I keep the articles I want to save. One or two of the articles were used for an art project so I lost them. I was looking around for the lost articles on the web and found this link. For UU related news this is awesome. I can recycle my newspapers knowing I can find the articles on the great world wide web of life; cool... Joy...

UU World News Link:

What's black and white and green all over? Recycled newspaper!!

WOW: YouTube - Why I Am Unitarian Universalist (Part 1)

Vic writes: If you have not checked out YouTube lately, this is some amazing material. Enjoy!

You Tube Link: