Monday, November 14, 2011

Dang Abilene Again?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gus writes -- A funny thing happened on the way to the forum....


Everyone keeps writing that is the place to go, but many people can't find their way from there to the real forum, which is at

Editor's note: This is the link to the forum!! I also put it in the blog version of the Second Talking Stick Annoucement...

Is there anything you can do to make it easier for people to go from the blog's home page to the services forum?

Editor's note: I have added the "To the Forum!!" link under the Important Links List... The Important Links List appears on the home page. Clicking the "SCUU WOW NEWS" blog banner always takes you to the blog home page... Please note: you can also google "scuu wow forum" and that will show the link that will get you there too... Hope This Helps...

Storypeople is addictive and it's all Rev. Megan's Fault

Bet you can't click just once....

first one...

He tried hard to tell the truth but it wasn't always that obvious, so usually he just said the first thing that came to mind.

second one...

He used to make model balloons & send them off to Macy's with a note that they could use them free of charge for their parades. After Macy's filed for bankruptcy he just shook his head. A better balloon could've turned that whole situation around, he said.

third one...

this is an American unicorn which explains why it has 2 horns & they're painted to match the tile in its bathroom

fourth one...

Her hair's on fire in the hot sun & there's no other sound in her head other than its slow, soft burning


I held him close for only a short time, but after he was gone, I'd see his smile on the face of a perfect stranger & I knew he would be there with me all the rest of my days.

Pick another one for me -- indeed...

gathering up bits of the world & setting them out in an order that her children can understand

must stop now...

thinking there's not a lot deeper he can go until he's willing to drown, but that takes half the fun out of it


Wishing he'd been a little more specific about asking for stuff he really enjoys instead of the big formless stuff that sounds good to other people when you're trying to impress them


No one really keeps score, but if they did, we would've won 5 to 2.


I have so much less stress, he said, now that I've given up on ambition.

nothing more to say...

Everyone says she's like a reed in the wind, so she decided to try it out but she's still not convinced mainly because she hates the smell of swamp gas.

Second Congregational Talking Stick this Sunday between services!

Dear SCUU,

The second of our four congregational conversations will be held this Sunday, November 13th at around 10:30 am in the Yurt. Please come and share your thoughts, opinions and questions about whether SCUU should stay at two services per Sunday or move to a one-service Sunday. The vote is coming on December 11th!

This Sunday's meeting will again be a "talking stick" format, where we'll take turns holding the talking stick and having time to speak our minds without interruption. This format worked really well at our first meeting last Sunday, where many different viewpoints were heard. We may switch the format to a more narrow focus for the third or fourth meeting.

Please feel free to come to as many meetings as you can. Your voice helps others consider the choice they'll make, and hearing the perspectives of other congregants can help you come to a more informed vote yourself. Plus, it's fun to sit with your community and hear their hopes and dreams for SCUU's future.

Here are some other sources of information for you as you make your decision:

Arlin has put together a group of historical and informational documents that you can access from this link:

They're also on the member's only section of the SCUU website.

There is also a virtual conversation on this topic moderated by Adam Styles on the WOW blog on the website. You can access that at

Editor's note: This is the link to the forum!!...

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of us, members of the task force charged with facilitating these pre-meetings. Hope to see you Sunday!

Rev. Megan Foley
Linda Hunter
Arlin Stoltzfus
JP Vidas

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Talking Stick: One or Two Services?

Dear Members of the SCUU Congregation:

The Board has asked a group of which I am part to develop some opportunities for learning and discussion prior to the our December 11th congregational meeting, at which SCUU will consider the question of whether to continue with two services during the school year or move to a one-service schedule year-round.

The first such opportunity will be this Sunday, November 6th, at 1pm, in the yurt. Child care will be provided. We plan to lead additional opportunities on November 13th and December 4th between the services during coffee hour, and again at 1pm on November 20th.

The November 6th meeting will follow a "Talking Stick" format - SCUU has successfully used this before - and will be a chance to respectfully share concerns and ideas with each other on how SCUU should proceed into our bright shared future.

Everyone will have the opportunity to speak; your thoughts and responses can be shared when you "hold the stick", and you may sign up at the beginning of the meeting for a time slot. We'll establish an initial time limit based on how many people wish to share, and perhaps have enough time for some to speak an additional time. This meeting is part of our community learning process - no decisions will be reached during this meeting.

Please make time to attend one or (ideally) more than one of these meetings, and of course to come to the Dec 11th congregational meeting, when decisions may be reached. We look forward to seeing and hearing you!

Feel free to contact me or another of the planning group regarding suggestions about meeting format and topics. Our group members are (alphabetically):

Rev. Megan Foley
Linda Hunter
Arlin Stoltzfus
JP Vidas

Link to the Forum!!