Fair-Trade Chocolate Tastes Better!

This is important: Chocolate is mentioned in our Covenant.
I got an email with Links to Video from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee...
Among many things: the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee promotes Fair Trade... After you click on and watch the embedded video above you will see other videos you can watch too -- they are enlightening and interesting...
Kara Smith of UUSC writes:
I'm writing to share with you UUSC's new one-minute video promoting fair-trade chocolate. This video is part of UUSC's Choose Compassionate Consumption initiative to advance economic justice.
While we had fun making this entertaining video, we chose to focus on chocolate because the use of forced labor in cocoa production is a serious issue. For example, Hershey chocolate, with 42.5 percent of the market, is a leader on sales but not on human rights. Although they have recently made some strides to address these issues, they have lagged behind their competitors in ensuring that that child labor is not used and that workers’ rights are respected.
Spread the word about fair-trade chocolate: watch this video and share it with your friends by e-mailing it to them and posting it on social media.
As we work to widen the reach of our human-rights messages, I'm eager to hear your feedback.
Please Note: that be my first video embed. HA!!