Thursday, June 26, 2014

Weekly News From SCUU 06/26/2014

Advocate Peace!! Happy Christian holiday of Christmas declared a federal holiday in the United States Day!! Happy U.S. Supreme Court rules that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional and in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution Day!! Happy Big Bill Broonzy Birthday!!! Happy Walter Farley Birthday!! Happy Pearl S. Buck Birthday!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 06/26/2014. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Sunday, June 22, 2014

SCUU Banner Connection

If we updated our banner and used it as a sail on the ship that we use to sail to our new destination it might look like this ...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weekly News From SCUU 06/19/2014

Advocate Peace!! Happy Juneteeth aka Freedom Day!! Remember 1964 Civil Rights Act Passed What are the Odds?!! Happy Vikram Seth Birthday!!! Happy Blaise Pascal Birthday!! Remember World Refugee Day!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 06/19/2014. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weekly News From SCUU 06/12/2014

Advocate Peace!! Happy Harriet Beecher Stowe Birthday!! Remember Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday!! Happy Birthday Joyce Carol Oates!! Happy Bloomsday!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 06/12/2014. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Path less taken: Sterling church sells property, chooses to remain in office building and focus on ministry

Kerri writes: "Interesting Article -- Linda H. sent me this article and I thought others might find it interesting and encouraging. Please feel free to forward ..."

Sterling church sells property, chooses to remain in office building and focus on ministry Link

Anneke writes:
"Lessons for the rental property committee:
  1. Have a clear vision of what church our congregation wants to be: regarding both its spiritual direction and the most appropriate types of community involvement it would want to engage in.
  2. Inform ourselves thoroughly on the present demographics and the development plans of the region we’d consider for resettling, as well as their prognosis for the future
  3. Hope to see you next Sunday, Anneke"
Interesting quote: "'The economics over the last 40 years of building [churches] have just radically changed,' he said. 'At one time, if you had 150 to 200 people, you could afford to build a building, [hire] a pastor and do ministry.” He said it now takes about 600 church members to do all those things, and that Riverside has about 300 to 350 active participants in a given week.'" Riverside’s co-pastor, the Rev. Brian Clark

Full time ministry and staff, adequate parking and enough space for religious education and worship what a concept ...

The cost and benefit of Chairitarianism and church in the cloud...

Still ponder and reflect on the question posed by Rev. Megan: "What sort of church do we have the energy and resources for?"

This appears to be "The Road Not Taken" which now we wish to take ...  Tis another day ...

Please note: road and path are synonymous in some circles ...

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Weekly News From SCUU 06/05/2014

Happy RE Sunday!! Happy Arthur Powell Davies Birthday!! Remember Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's Cabin Published Day!! Remember Robert Kennedy Assassination!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 06/05/2014. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

What is Religious Education at Sugarloaf?

Simply put we teach our children and ourselves with the help of our small staff and many volunteers and using a wide, diverse and comprehensive course curriculum the Unitarian Universalist Principles Written for Children.

We Believe :

  • Each person is important
  • Be kind and fair in all you do
  • We are free to learn together
  • We search for what is true for ourselves
  • Every person deserves to have a say and a vote
  • Build a fair and peaceful world
  • We care for all living things in our universe
The Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalist and our Religious Education Committee are committed to providing religious education that is not based on dogma or creed. We give full respect for, examination of and inquiry into the Interdependent Web of All Existence of Which We Are a Part. We study all religions to gain a better understanding of life and the world around us.

We also believe that UU Religious Education should take place in or near Germantown  With a population of 86,395 as of the 2010 United States Census, Germantown Maryland is the third most populous place in Maryland, after the city of Baltimore, and the census-designated place of Columbia, Maryland -- The THIRD!!

It's actually larger, some may say huge,  if you take into account the surrounding communities of Upper Montgomery County: Gaithersburg, Poolesville, Clarksburg, Boyds, Darenstown, Damascus, Montgomery Village to name a few.

We also believe that more than a few of the 86,395 plus people who live and learn in our area share our simple values and will join us in our Religious Education quest.