Sunday, December 21, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Weekly News From SCUU 12/18/2014
Advocate Peace!! Next Steps with Rev. Megan This Sunday! Christmas Eve Service and Cookie Reception Wednesday!!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...
WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.
Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/18/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/18/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link
Sunday, December 14, 2014
SCUU 2015 Priorities Survey

Dear SCUU Members and Friends, please spend a few minutes taking this survey:
SCUU 2015 Priorities Survey adapted from last Sunday's "next steps" discussion!
21 members of SCUU came together to continue the congregation-wide conversation about where our community is heading. We compiled a list of things we want to see at Sugarloaf going forward. Whether you were there or not, this is your chance to weigh in!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Weekly News From SCUU 12/11/2014
Advocate Peace!! Next Steps Survey, Circle Dinners, Racial Justice, and Cookies?? Read on!! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...
WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.
Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/11/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/11/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Notes and Next steps from 12.7.14 Meeting
General ideas:
- Reach new members like in Clarksburg
- Greater UU participation in UU circles
- Social outreach of some sort – scouts, etc – “were here and we can do this” in general
- What happens to make our dreams feasible? More space, more money?
- Catch 22 – need more members to keep the space, the space can’t necessarily hold more members
- “Feasibility Matters”
- Homeostasis plus: We can sustain ourselves in excess of turnover (10% per year expected in this area)
- Full time preaching ministry (3x/mo)
- And/or consistent, high quality worship
- Guest speakers
- Music director
- Alternate or special services, not on Sundays
- Services at different times and different formats to meet different needs and schedules
- One of our greatest assets
- RE Director
- Staff particular programs: Coming of Age, Our Whole Lives, youth group (programming for after 7th grade)
- Find ways to make worship accessible to people who are teaching RE (podcast entire service)
- Teacher training
- Well maintained, clean (professional housekeeping), attractive property
- Driveway – get a new estimate for different options and make decisions from there
- Using property more often for churchy gatherings
- Non worship service programming (coffeehouse, book clubs, movie night, etc)
- Expanded occasional parking
- Gardens to produce food – give food to food bank, offer community garden plots
- Landscaping to be pretty, cutting garden
- Memorial garden
- Buildings are energy efficient, solar panels (could even pay for roof)
Ministry of Fun
- Campfires (as allowed, firepit okay), barbeques
- Saturday night functions
- Youth social activities, lock ins
- Movie nights
- Circle Dinner
- Brew our own beer
- Off site social activities
Approach area restaurants for banquet rooms
Happy hours
Connect with Germantown Sportsplex or County
places to do hiking, soccer, etc, 5K
Member care
- Succession planning
- Volunteer training
- Make the caring we do do more visible
- Caring committee for those who need additional support, recognize life events
- Membership coordinator/coordination
- System for fostering volunteerism in an effective and fun way
o Volunteer Worksheet Suggestion
Outreach (us
making the world better)
- Pick 2-3 community organizations to support with charity Sunday, social justice projects with kids/families, do other things with them to connect
- Social action in the community
Evangelism/ marketing
(reaching out to get more members/money)
- Connect with other churches, community groups
- Adopt a road?
- Wear shirts at community events
What’s next?
Figure out where the energy is behind the ideas
- Volunteer planning
- Prioritization and Strategic Planning – what do we do now? What’s in 5 years?
- Put a $$ on the items
- Create a new organizational structure that works, then prioritize, then pay?
- Including volunteerism (how can we let someone get the full picture of what the volunteer opportunity is really like?)
- Volunteer fair
- Along with pledge drive?
- What’s our mission?
- Action items: What are the committees like and what do they do?
- How to prioritize? Prioritize these through:
- Survey on back of OOS and survey monkey to prioritize from this list (Adam and Alyssa)
Small incentive like $5 starbucks or amazon
through our link
Attending: John Laughlin, Dolges, Julie, Jeff, Helen, Haegers,
Michael Y., Colin, Anneke, Barbara, Jim, Dick, Chris, Adam S., Kathy B., Jim W.,
Karen, jp, Liz and Dave
Friday, December 05, 2014
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Weekly News From SCUU 12/04/2014
Advocate Peace!! Rev. Megan service this Sunday, followed by Next Steps Discussion Series! & Thanks Julie for publishing the eflyer...
WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.
Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/04/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 12/04/2014.
If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too.. In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...
Many Thanks to Julie and the eTaskForce!!!
Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link