Friday, November 27, 2015

Weekly News From SCUU 11/27/15

Advocate Peace!! Pray for Sanity!! Don't forget - use the link on our home page to shop on Amazon this holiday season. SCUU will receive a donation for each of your purchases!!! & Thanks Laura for publishing the eflyer the pen used as a baton has been passed...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 11/27/2015. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Laura and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Friday, November 20, 2015

même pas peur!

If you consider the history of the chalice.

Where would you think we would stand?  Tis a rhetorical question.

même pas peur! 

Weekly News From SCUU 11/20/15

Advocate Peace!! Pray for Sanity!! Don't forget - use the link on our home page to shop on Amazon this holiday season. SCUU will receive a donation for each of your purchases!!! & Thanks Rosie for publishing the eflyer the pen used as a baton has been passed...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 11/20/2015. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Rosie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

WOW Hope!

 “Finding Hope in the Vigils of Paris” 
 Advocate Peace!! Pray for Sanity!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Weekly News From SCUU 11/13/15

Advocate Peace!! Pray for Sanity!! Please don't forget - use the link on our home page to shop on Amazon this holiday season. SCUU will receive a donation for each of your purchases!! & Thanks Rosie for publishing the eflyer the pen used as a baton has been passed...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 11/13/2015. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Rosie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Volunteer System Update #10

What’s the difference of being in the new Sugarloaf Volunteer System or of being the usual all-churchyear-long committee member, for instance? Our new kind of volunteers are on a list (“Go ‘Round”) to take turns for being asked to do a one-time task per month (including those who choose to use the Action Box.) To review Action Box use for postponing when a volunteer wants to begin belonging to the System, see Updates #5 and #9.

The committee kind of volunteer has an important role for making the new one-time tasks get done. Requestor is the name of this role. If you look at the piano’s bulletin board in the Great Room, you’ll see a depiction of what Requestors do.

Anyone on a committee is, also, able to be a Requestor and can use the Go ‘Round List to call somebody to help with a facet of the committee work. Suppose the Worship Committee finds no member can run off the next Sunday’s copies of the order of service. One committee member calls the Manager (Helen) to get the names of those who have not had a turn volunteering for the month and invites one of them to run off the orders of service. The Requestor serves as a mentor to support the volunteer in succeeding with the one-time task, if needed.

So, now that we have use of the Action Box for those who join the System at a later date. Now that we have eliminated the Call Later category (thus, entirely, leaving it up to the volunteer to notify the Manager, by way of the Action Box, when the time is right for beginning to contribute to Sugarloaf’s sustainability that way), all of us can participate. There will be no Opt-outs because there will be no pressure to join the Volunteer System. There will be no pressure from anyone else’s timing.

Therefore, with the Action Box, you have a means for postponing when you decide to give our Volunteer System a try.

We do hope, however, that whatever is stopping anyone from being able to sign up right now, will become resolved enough so the person is able to get in enough experience with the System before our annual May meeting when we fully discuss and vote on it.

Our Volunteer System is how we ALL can, easily, get into the Sugarloaf flow. Gratification and gratitude give a springboard for enjoying a spiritual experience, the sacred circle of receiving and giving. Sugarloaf is a positive energy generator.

Unity of purpose – yes … burnout – No!

Helen Pop and Adam

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Weekly News From SCUU 11/07/15

Advocate Peace!! Pray for Sanity!! Welcome Reverend Henry after the service this Sunday!!! Thanks to the Auction Committee for another sucessful Acution!! & Thanks Rosie for publishing the eflyer the pen used as a baton has been passed...

WOW!! the new edition of the Weekly News from SCUU digest that you will receive as an eflyer email. Tis a beautiful thing.

Link to Weekly News from SCUU 11/07/2015. 

If you don't want to use the link, here is a preview in a scrollable frame too..  In a browser it's scrollable and on a tablet from the WOW blog the whole freakin complete weekly digest eflyer just automagically appears...

Many Thanks to Rosie and the eTaskForce!!!

Please Subscribe to the Weekly SCUU Newsletter on MailChimp via this Link

Friday, November 06, 2015

Volunteer System Update #9

When our annual May meeting comes, will we want to have a Sugarloaf Volunteer System? The trial sail changes, changes, changes, changes are giving us a slow and zigzag course forward toward the time when we vote. Hopefully all who are eligible will have tried out the system before that vote.

The change about the Action Box use and the elimination of the Call Later category for the SignUp Genius choices are important changes to note by those who are becoming “Opt-Outs”.

Yes, the Opt-Outs are, now, at the “end of your ropes and tying knots to hang on”. However, you folks can make use of the Action Box when these tough periods in your lives have quieted down enough. So, dear Opt-Outs, the Action Box (see Update #6) is sitting on the Great Room stairs’ bottom landing silently waiting for when you see a need to help out by doing a One-Time Task. It’s worth a try in order to make an informed decision when we vote.

When you feel ready, your card that you put in the Action Box (with instructions inside Box) will alert the System Manager (Helen). When your task is completed, she will call you to learn if you choose to activate your registration in the Go ‘Round list (see Update #5.) If your one completed task is all you can do, you will not activate being registered and not be called again.

Therefore, with the Action Box, you have a means for postponing when you decide to give our Volunteer System a try.

Now during the trial, our people are giving one-time boosts to help those who are committed to doing ongoing churchwork all year (usually with committee work.) Belonging to the Sugarloaf One-Time Task Boosters is gratifying.

Our Volunteer System is how we ALL can, easily, get into the Sugarloaf flow. Gratification and gratitude give a springboard for enjoying a spiritual experience, the sacred circle of receiving and giving. Sugarloaf is a positive energy generator.

Unity of purpose – yes … burnout – No!

Helen Pop and Adam