Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Unitarian Jihad!!

Link 1: looming threat from the "Unitarian Jihad!!

Caution article contains graphic depictions of graphs:

Link 2: How's the Unitarian Jihad doing?

Friday, January 27, 2006

WOW Moment: Every Child is Our Child; Educate a Child Nourish the Future

UU has an office at the United Nations:

UU UN Office Link

UU UN History

Which is cool, but check out their newsletter:

UU UN Office Newsletter Link

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Our UU Principle -- The Democratic Process is not a straight line

The current political logic of the elected officials with the power of the vote is not pretty:

Link to Washington Post Article

Nevertheless, the Maryland Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) of 1972 ensures that "Equal Marriage is a Civil Right!"

I love the smell of legal precedence in the morning.

ERA Link

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"Equal Marriage is a Civil Right!" Lobby Day on Feb 13 - Rev. Amy Russell

Dear Friends-

A group of us are planning to go to Annapolis on Monday, Feb. 13th to lobby our legislators to vote against the Maryland Constitutional Amendement, Bill 48, restricting the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

There will be a rally at 4:00 in the Lawyers Mall next to the statehouse and then we will visit our state legislators. But in order for that to work, we need to let Equality Maryland know that we will be there and have them make appointments for us with our legislators.

Everyone should go to web site and register for the Lobby Day so they know you are coming. There are supposed to be district coordinators setting up appointments with delegates.

I am signed up to be the district coordinator for District 15 (for near the church property). I've been having difficulty setting up appointments with our delegates from District 15. They are going to be at a town hall tonight, Tuesday, in the Potomac Library at 7:00. I'm going there to try to talk with them. If anyone else can go let me know.

On Feb 13th, we'll all meet in front of Jean and Este's house (4 Deer Park Lane, Gaithersburg) that afternoon and we'll have different leaving times set up for people who are available at different times. Please let us know if you are available to leave from there at 3:00 or 4:00 or 5:00.

Arlington Church had a special celebration last Sunday in honor of the Maryland court ruling. They now have a banner across their church that says, "Equal Marriage is a Civil Right!" We may want to consider taking some public action.

I hope everyone who can will join us for Lobby Day, Feb. 13th!

- Amy Russell

Monday, January 23, 2006

A WOW Moment: Not too far away, down the road a bit, doubles back...

".. I will suggest as a dimension of spiritual development is wonder: an increasing amazement about the life around us. The life of which we are a part. It's awesome man. The experience of birth often stirs this in us. Wow. As we grow spiritually, maybe we say "wow" more often, not mindlessly, but reverently. We are awed by life's power and beauty. And this awe and wonder give rise to gratitude."

and ...

"What is your way, your truth your life? What is your passion? What is your ministry? Is it music, is it children, is it learning about the Bible, as a group of our members has undertaken together? Is it developing a model of liberal religious leadership for the new century? The new millennium? A new Unitarian Universalist congregation in Upper Montgomery County has recently been born. The name they have chosen is Sugarloaf UU Congregation. What passion went into the development and birth of that new religious community! What is your passion? What is your ministry?"

Read Rev. Alida M. DeCoster's Sermon

Wow, who knew? A number of thoughts come to mind on a number of levels, but one thought that comes to mind after reading the sermon is: Wow we're going to be 10 years old!!

Peace is Patriotic; Justice is Patriotic; Julian Bond, a patriot

Julian Bond, a patriot, was given the National Civil Rights Award by HRC in October of 2005.

Here's some links that may lead to Julian Bond's HRC speech -- over time the web pages have moved around:

Here's a link to a few good excerpts from the Award Ceremony and HRC 25th Anniversary celebration: [Article About the Award Link] ... Ok that link is broken ... However here's a link that works Julian Bond is an American for Marriage Equality -- although it's not specific to the speech.

Here's a link to a related interview -- "Our Fight Is Your Fight": [An Archive Interview Link] [Book Link]

Here's a link to Julian Bond's speech. The last time I checked it was broke; the web of life forever changes. Could be worse, at least you land on the HRC website: [Speech Link]

OK found the the speech on Youtube ...

I like Julian Bond's statement

"One lesson of the civil rights movement of yesterday – and the on-going civil rights movement of today – is that sometimes the simplest of ordinary acts – taking a seat on a bus or a lunch counter, registering to vote, applying for a marriage license – can have extraordinary ramifications. It can change our world, change the way we act and think."

parallels and amplifies Margaret Mead's quote:

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."

Julian Bond inspires Unitarian Universalists (UU) everywhere.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sexual Identity as Sacred - Rev. Amy Russell

A celebration of the inherent worth and dignity of every person -- The service was wonderful:

A Link to Rev. Amy Russell's sermon

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Succinct: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations

A Maryland court Friday struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, saying it violated Maryland's Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which states that the "equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged or denied because of sex."

From -

and Link to the The Washington Post Article

Friday, January 20, 2006

Yoko is a very nice dog.

The Stamper's dog Yoko will bark when you come to visit February 11th but do not worry she's a nice dog.

It's a good idea not to try to pet nice dogs on the first meeting; it's better to wait until you're formally introduced. Once your in the house and she sees that you're a friend, she'll quiet down until the next visitors arrive.

If you have any questions about Yoko please talk to Gwen and Hugh.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

We need your brains, hearts, efforts, money and votes.

Voting is important to a group such as ours that holds the democratic process as a principle. Voting is both sacrament and communion here.

There is no creed or dogma and therefore one of the few things you give up by being active at SCUU and not becoming a member is the right to Vote.

You can put money in the collection plate -- some traditions really are universal. However pledging as a member helps us budget and plan.

Two digressions: Planning is also known as the art of very serious and deliberate guessing. You can pledge as a non-member (also known as a friend; a very good friend).

Jonathan Mayhew an early Unitarian minister (sort of) coined the phrase "No Taxation without Representation" which I think applies. Become a member, obtain the right to vote, and represent yourself! Lend us your brains and heart.

You won't burn in hell if you don't sign the membership book but you will make this place more like heaven if you do sign by showing your solidarity.

Some people may be reluctant to become a member because of the "sting" they experienced somewhere else. We hope you will see that SCUU is not like other places.

Nevertheless, being mindful and respecting the wishes of the minority while accepting the will of the majority are skills that take lots of practice.

There are members who thought long and hard before signing and members who signed almost the moment they walked in the door. Some were faster because they carry their own pen. Everyone has their own timeframe for their WOW moment.

Voting focuses our brains, hearts, efforts and money into a powerful positive force used to build beautiful dreams.

How do we pay for all this stuff? [link to answer]

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Painting Sugarloaf House - Your Availability?

For all those of you who have wanted to help but have not had the opportunity we want to know your availability in the 2-4 week time frame to paint Sugarloaf House.  We are determining if we have sufficient volunteers to get it done in a reasonable time frame.  If you want to help paint please send an e-mail to Carol Plummer  and let her know your availability to help.  

Thank you.

Comparing Religions

Comparing Religions links, found them when considering the Baptist vs. Catholic comment in the last WOW Moment post:

Link 1: Comparison Overview

Link 2: Catholic compared to Conservative Christian

Coincidently, a discussion at the last WOW prompted me to try the Religion Selector link off the same site.

Comparative Religion 101

Religion Selector or What Religion am I? or Belief-O-Matic

My top result was Unitarian Universalist (UU)... duh. It is comforting to know that if UU was not my top result I could remain UU. The question remains: how much faith must one invest in a survey?

Yet another UU overview

A WOW Moment: You might be UU....

From the Washington Post... A WOW moment...

"The Rev. Michael Jones poked half of his body out the front door and shook his head disapprovingly. "Shame, shame, shame," he said. "You were told to cease and desist."

"So, everything the bishop says is right?" Alston asked.

"Yes," the priest said. "That's what happens in the Catholic Church . . . . It's not a Baptist church. You obey the priest and the bishop."

"I don't think so," Alston said, turning away to hand out another flier."

A WOW moment link to the Washington Post article.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

February WOW at Stamper's Farm!!

Feb. 11, 2006, 5:30 pm: Visitor and Member Orientation at Gwen & Hugh Stamper’s house followed by a potluck dinner for everybody at 6:30 pm.

We’ll have Orientation at the February WOW. At Orientation we will listen to you; tell you about UU in general and SCUU in particular, and share stories of our spiritual journeys.

February WOW Location on Google Map

Click the link to google map below; click the "direction to here" link on the map; enter your starting point; and memorize or print directions. Printing may be safer. A few may look at the map and not bother with the printed directions.

Google Map: 16611 Sugarland Road, Boyds, MD 20841, 301-208-9572

more than enough time

There will be more than enough time to be
Pulled down by whatever demons you choose
or god forbid chose you.
Learn to fly and as you fly look around and say WOW!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

SCUU: Children's Play Area Task Force - Sara Hull

Dear Parents and Friends of our Children,

Imagine this:  It is a typical Sunday in summer of 2006 at 11:38 am.  You are engaged in heated debate about the sermon of the day with your peers, cup of hot coffee in hand.  You walk out to the front of our church on Germantown Road, glance down the hill to check in on the children of SCUU, and see that they are joyfully running around outside, pushing each other on the swings, and deepening their friendships with their own peers.  You remember a time not too long ago when the children were directly underfoot at this time of day, bumping into your coffee cup, interrupting your conversations on Sundays, and you feel grateful for the efforts of a cadre of hardworking volunteers who made all of this possible   . . .

Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?  We need your help to make it a reality.  I have volunteered to assemble a task force to develop and implement a plan for a children's play area at our new church.

Although there is a roughly specified space designated for this (outside the basement walkout), there is currently no plan nor budget for such a play area.

If you have ever planned or built a swingset/playgym, are handy with carpentry, are good with fundraising, or even just have energy and a general interest and  in seeing our children have a fun, safe play area to run out to every Sunday after their RE classes, we need your help.   Please contact me, Sara Hull, if you are interested in participating in this task force, and we will plan an organizational meeting for some time in the next couple of weeks.

Best regards,

Friday, January 13, 2006

a basic SCUU rule

When in doubt show up; remember you're among friends.

Our members, friends and visitors are from Upper Montgomery County, Germantown Maryland (MD) 20874, Gaithersburg, Poolesville, Clarksburg, Boyds, Darnestown, Damascus, Montgomery Village to name a few..

New Ye Wow Book Available

The January 2006 issue of the SCUU congregation directory is now available. The directory will be updated periodically (at least bi-monthly) throughout the year. A few paper copies will be available on Sundays. A current electronic copy (.pdf format) can always be requested at any time by sending an email to Gus Vandermeeren at

Provided you know the secret password....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Taylor's doing fine!!

Please pass along our heartfelt thanks to our SCUU family for their thoughts and prayers. Taylor sailed through his surgery - never losing his good natured approach to life (or even his good manners!). Our only glitch in the day was that we stayed in the recovery room for about 12 hours for there was no room at the inn (at least not on the third floor where we finally arrived after midnight).

T will be out of the hospital tomorrow or the day after and will be relaxing at home for a time after that. His parents did well too and will fully recover from the experience once they can shower at home.

Love and gratitude,

Ross, Kym and Taylor Too!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Action is our song...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. Mark Twain

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. Mark Twain

UU Humor

Thursday, January 05, 2006

a common Unitarian Universalist affirmation...

Love is the Doctrine of this Church
The quest for Truth is its Sacrament
And Service is its Prayer
To dwell together in Peace;
To seek knowledge in Freedom;
And to live in Harmony with all the
Living Creatures and Plants of the Earth;
This do we Affirm.

I would add ...
Voting is our leap of faith;
Life is our salvation;
Joys and Concerns are our confessional;
work and effort (yes money too) are our gifts;
Coffeehour is our pastoral care;
Circle Dinners are our communion;
the congregation is the gestalt.

WOW! January 14 at Chris Mauck and David Klein’s House

WOW -- stands for Winter Orientation Wonder! Or Welcoming Orientation and Welcoming dinner!

January WOW ONE – Jan. 14, 2006, 5:30 pm: Visitor and Member Orientation at Chris Mauck and David Klein’s house followed by a potluck dinner for everybody at 6:30.

At Orientation we will listen to you; tell you about UU in general and SCUU in particular, and share stories of our spiritual journeys.

WOW is another avenue in which we keep our SCUU culture alive and well, so come out and enjoy some camaraderie with fellow searchers at your wonderful WOW volunteer’s house! The yurt and Sugarloaf house are almost available but we’re still nomadic and continue to move from place to place for the WOW Dinners. We’ll try to schedule a tour of the property for interested Visitors.

Last month’s WOW was hosted by Adam and Cindy Styles. We practiced random acts of kindness (pick well lit houses in the neighborhood, knock on the door in a slightly organized fashion, and wish them well) and senseless acts of beauty (sing!!)

Evites (email invitations) will be sent to the visitors who left their email address for the next Event. Please be sure to RSVP via the Evite.

The Evite will give directions to our gracious and kind WOW hosts. However you can find directions in this Blog too.

Watch for updates in JP Vidas’s Digest.

For more information, contact Rev. Amy Russell or our membership chair, Adam Styles during coffee hour.

Directions to the January WOW

If you see the buddha in the street don't harm him..

Invite him to a WOW!!

Buddha Quotes --

There's a discussion of the buddha saying here...

May you find peace in the new year.

Happy New You!!

My family, Cindy and I, joined as charter members in 1996. My daughter was 7 at the time. Now that my daughter is a senior in high school and applying to colleges, I look back.

I taught in RE full time for my first two years of my membership at SCUU. One new year my daughter said "Happy New You!" instead of "Happy New Year!"

I have used "Happy New You!" ever since. It is not lost on me that joining SCUU is a rewarding experience; and UU is a self revalation of the highest degree -- WOW!!

Becoming a member transforms you in a positive way.

We hope that you will join SCUU and that we will live and learn together.

We hope that you will join SCUU and that we will live and learn together. Signing the membership book says that we will affirm and promote the UU principles; that we will support each other in our search for truth and meaning; and that we will participate and vote in the democratic process which guides SCUU. It’s just that easy!! SCUU Membership is a liberating and invigorating act of love and commitment without fear, creed or dogma.

Ye, old joke, and a sort of chicken or egg question

Which came first: the congregation, the minister or the church?

Answer: The congregation consisting of members!

There are a few magic numbers.
125: members with the resources (blood, sweat, tears of joy and tears of sorrow, money, and Votes!) to sustain and spread the load and risk. Our external supporters (i.e. organizations that lend us money and support) love to see this number;
1: Minister and 1 Director of Religious Education (DRE).
5: acres of land with a building!

Two out of three isn’t bad. We have 86 members now. Although we have about 10 friends, non-members, who are very active and we have many visitors. Who we hope all will join our cause; and eventually become active members.

And what is our cause? To live our principles.

Cherish your freedom. Live your dreams. Compassion and kindness are powerful forces.

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus